Chenleng Cai

Associate Professor
Cell Development and Regenerative Biology
Icahn School of Medicine
United States of America

Professor Ophthalmology

Dr. Cai’s previous research has showed that Isl1 (Islet1), a Lim-homeodomain transcription factor, labels a cardiac progenitor population that gives rise to the majority of cardiac segments (right ventricle, outflow tract and atria).  Loss of Isl1 results in a malformed heart that lacks these cardiac segments during early heart development (Fig. 1). In addition to the study of Isl1, Dr. Cai also discovered that T-box transcription factor Tbx20 plays critical roles in regulating cardiac cell proliferation and specification (Fig. 2). More recently, Dr. Cai identified another cardiac progenitor population, Tbx18-expressing proepicardial and epicardial cells that can gives rise to both myocytes and non-myocytes cardiac lineages during early heart development (Fig. 3). The Cai laboratory is currently performing research to decipher the transcriptional networks of Isl1 and Tbx20 in heart development. They are also interested in exploring the therapeutic potential of Isl1 and Tbx18 progenitor cells in cardiac repair and regeneration.

Research Intrest

Cancer Genetics, Developmental Biology, Diabetes, Neuro-degeneration/protection

List of Publications
Cagan R (2016) Drug screening using model systems: some basics. Disease models & mechanisms Vol: 9.
Hirabayashi S, Cagan RL (2015) Salt-inducible kinases mediate nutrient-sensing to link dietary sugar and tumorigenesis in Drosophila. eLife vol: 4.
Levinson S, Cagan RL (2016) Drosophila Cancer Models Identify Functional Differences between Ret Fusions. Cell reports Vol: 16.
Bangi E, Murgia C, Teague AG, Sansom OJ, Cagan RL (2016) Functional exploration of colorectal cancer genomes using Drosophila. Nature communications Vol: 7.
Cagan R, Meyer P (2017) Rethinking cancer: current challenges and opportunities in cancer research. Disease models & mechanisms. Vol: 10.