Charles Phillips

Professor of Social and Administrative Sciences an
Pharmaceutical & Admin. Science
Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
United States of America


Dr. Phillips received his Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma (USA). He is currently working as a Professor of Social and Administrative Sciences. His research focuses on healthcare literature evaluation, Research design issues; Pharmacy management, and Third party insurance programs. In the past few years, he has been becoming one of leading experts for Healthcare literature evaluation. He has also serving Board of Directors at The IDEA Center. Dr. Phillips has co-authored various journal papers.

Research Intrest

"Healthcare literature evaluation; Research design issues; Pharmacy management, and Third party insurance programs"

List of Publications
Tice B, Phillips CR (2002) Implementation and evaluation of a chain-based lipid screening program. J Am Pharm Assoc 42: 413-419.
Phillips CR, Chesnut R, Rospond R (2004) Using the California Critical Thinking Instruments for Benchmarking, Program Assessment, and Directing Curricular Change. Am J Pharm Educ 4.
Phillips CR (2010) Garnering Widespread Involvement in Preparing for Accreditation Under ACPE Standards 2007. Am J Pharm Educ 74:30

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