Charles Leek

Cognitive Neuroscience
Bangor University
United Kingdom

Professor Neurology

Professor Charles Leek studies BSocSc Psychology/Political Science, University of Keele, MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of London, MA Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University, USA PhD Cognitive Science, John Hopkins University, USA CPsychol AFBPsS

Research Intrest

Professor Charles Leek studies the cognitive, computational and neuroanatomical bases of high-level vision. His research spans a range of related issues in visual perception, object-based attention, object representation, object recognition and visuo-spatial processing. A variety of techniques in cognitive neuroscience are employed, including perceptual psychophysics, eye tracking, fMRI, ERPs, TMS, and cognitive neuropsychological studies of brain-damaged patients with acquired and degenerative disorders affecting visual perception, object recognition, visuo-spatial processing, semantic representation and lexical production. Professor Charles Leek is a member of the Perception, Action and Memory research group.

List of Publications
Cristino F, Davitt LI, Rettie H, Leek C. Differential sensitivity to surface curvature polarity in 3D objects is not modulated by stereo disparity. Journal of Vision. 2014 Aug 3;14(10):1114-.
Leek EC, Roberts M, Oliver ZJ, Cristino F, Pegna AJ. Early differential sensitivity of evoked-potentials to local and global shape during the perception of three-dimensional objects. Neuropsychologia. 2016 Aug 31;89:495-509.
Pegna AJ, Darque A, Roberts MV, Leek EC. Effects of stereoscopic disparity on early ERP components during classification of three-dimensional objects. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2017 May 22(just-accepted):1-35.