Cell Rino

Department of Biology and Biotechnology
University of Pavia

Professor Molecular Biology

Cell Rino is a professor of plant physiology in the department of biology and biotechnology at university of pavia

Research Intrest

Production of recombinant enzymes for the digestion

List of Publications
Ferroni L, Angeleri M, Pantaleoni L, Pagliano C, Longoni P, Marsano F, Aro E-M, Suorsa M, Baldisserotto C, Giovanardi M, Cella R and Pancaldi (2014) Light-dependent reversible phosphorylation of the minor photosystem II antenna Lhcb6 (CP24) occurs in lycophytes. Plant J 77: 893-905
Longoni P, Leelavathi-Sadhu, Doria E, Vanga S R, Cella R (2015) Production by tobacco transplastomic plants of recombinant fungal and bacterial cell-wall degrading enzymes to be used for cellulosic biomass saccharification. BioMed Research International, Special Issue on "Bioenergy and Biomass Utilization", Article ID 289759
Cueva A , Medina J, Concia L, and Cella R (2016) Effects of Plant Growth Regulator, Auxin Polar Transport Inhibitors on Somatic Embryogenesis and CmSERK Gene Expression in Cattleya maxima (Lindl.). In: A. Mujib (ed.), Somatic Embryogenesis in Ornamentals and Its Applications. Pp 255-267, Springer India. 2016 DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2683-3_16