Casey L. Daniel

Assistant Professor
Oncologic Sciences
Mitchell Cancer Institute
United States of America

Professor Oncology

Dr. Casey L. Daniel is currently working as Assistant Professor at Department of Cancer Control and Prevention, Mitchell Cancer Institute (USA). She has received her Bachelors in arts and english from University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health, Birmingham, AL. Dr. Casey L. Daniel has received her Post Graduation from University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health, Birmingham, AL (Master of Public Health). Dr. Casey L. Daniel has worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, Harvard Cancer Prevention Fellowship. Dr. Casey L. Daniel has many reviewed publications.

Research Intrest

Cancer survivorship studies; Childhood; adolescent; and young adult cancers; Melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer; Colorectal cancer; Cancer prevention through behavioral intervention; Health communications

List of Publications
Eisenstein DJ, Weinberg DH, Agol E, Aihara H, Prieto CA, Anderson SF, Arns JA, Aubourg É, Bailey S, Balbinot E, Barkhouser R. SDSS-III: Massive spectroscopic surveys of the distant universe, the Milky Way, and extra-solar planetary systems. The Astronomical Journal. 2011 Aug 9;142(3):72.
Pinto D, Pagnamenta AT, Klei L, Anney R, Merico D, Regan R, Conroy J, Magalhaes TR, Correia C, Abrahams BS, Almeida J. Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorder. Nature. 2010 Jul 15;466(7304):368.
Clark AG, Eisen MB, Smith DR, Bergman CM, Oliver B, Markow TA, Kaufman TC, Kellis M, Gelbart W, Iyer VN, Pollard DA. Evolution of genes and genomes on the Drosophila phylogeny. Nature. 2007 Nov 8;450(7167):203.