Carole Ayoub Moubareck

Associate Professor
Department of Natural Sciences and Health Sciences
Zayed University
Saudi Arabia

Professor Biochemistry

Carole Ayoub Moubareck earned her Pharmacy Degree from the Lebanese American University in year 2000. She got a PhD from the Paris Descartes University in microbiology in 2005 and pursued a post-doctoral work at the Institut Pasteur of France. She was the associate director of the National Reference Center of Antibiotic Resistance in France from 2007 to 2009 and discovered a van-A type Staphylococcus aureus strain dependent on vancomycin for growth as well as a novel integron-associated GES variant in Acinetobacter baumannii. She taught microbiology at Saint Joseph University in Lebanon to pharmacy and laboratory students and since 2014 she is in Zayed University / Dubai campus. Her research interests are in controlling infectious diseases by monitoring the emergence and spread of resistant bacteria to antibiotics and characterizing the related resistance mechanisms. She is also interested in food safety by evaluating the innocuity of food strains and studying the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes from animal to human bacteria in the digestive ecosystem and evaluating the influence of environmental factors on this transfer. Another part of her research is about the determination of the intestinal mircobiota of preterm intants and the relationship with the establishment of necrotizing enterocolitis.

Research Intrest

General microbiology, Biochemistry, Environmental Health

List of Publications
Granier SA, Moubareck C, Colaneri C, Lemire A, Roussel S, et al. (2011) Antimicrobial resistance of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from food and environment in France over a 10 year period. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 2788-2790.
Hammoudi D, Ayoub Moubareck C, Karam Sarkis D (2014) How to detect carbapenemase producers? A literature review of phenotypic and molecular methods. J Microbiol Methods 107: 106-118.
Hammoudi D, Ayoub Moubareck C, Hakime N, Houmani M, Barakat A, et al. (2015) Spread of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii co-expressing OXA-23 and GES-11 carbapenemases in Lebanon. Int J Infect Dis 36: 56-61.

Global Scientific Words in Biochemistry