Carmen Argmann

Associate professor
Genetics and Genomic sciences
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
United States of America

Professor Genetics

Dr. Argmann has a doctorate from the faculty of Science at the University of Western Ontario, Canada where she showed that PPARγ and LXR activation could dramatically reduce macrophage foam cell formation, a key event in atherosclerosis. During her postdoctoral studies at the Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire in Strasbourg, France she contributed to the development of high-throughput mouse metabolic phenotyping protocols and demonstrated that resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, improves mitochondrial function and protects against metabolic disease in vivo. As a research scientist in Dr Schadt’s genetics group at Rosetta Inpharmatics she contributed to the designing of large-scale genetic mouse crosses to address novel facets of metabolic disease. She was involved in integrating DNA variation, gene expression, and clinical data collected, in order to uncover core networks associated with metabolic disease processes, which in turn were used to identify novel therapeutic targets for the Diabetes and Obesity franchise. In 2010, during her time in Dr. Aerts’s lab at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, she developed further into an integrative biologist. Her main focus has become applying novel integrative systems biology approaches to understand the hallmarks and key drivers of various human diseases.

Research Intrest

Genetics Genomic Sciences [GGS]

List of Publications
Houtkooper RH, Argmann C, Houten SM, Cantó C, Jeninga EH, etal (2011) The metabolic footprint of aging in mice. Scientific reports.
Wu Y, Williams EG, Dubuis S, Mottis A, Jovaisaite V, etal (2014) Multilayered genetic and omics dissection of mitochondrial activity in a mouse reference population. Cell 158 :6.
Argmann CA, Houten SM, Zhu J, Schadt EE (2016) A Next Generation Multiscale View of Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Cell metabolism 23 :1
Long Q, Argmann C, Houten SM, Huang T, Peng S, etal (2016) Inter-tissue coexpression network analysis reveals DPP4 as an important gene in heart to blood communication. Genome medicine 8 :1.
Williams EG, Wu Y, Jha P, Dubuis S, Blattmann P, etal (2016) Systems proteomics of liver mitochondria function. Science New york 352 :6291.
Tol MJ, Ottenhoff R, van Eijk M, Zelcer N, Aten J,etal (2010) A PPARγ-Bnip3 axis couples adipose mitochondrial fusion-fission balance to systemic insulin sensitivity Diabetes.