Junior researcher
Environmental Science
Institute for European Studies Brussels


Carlos Soria Rodríguez is a doctoral researcher in the Environment and Sustainable Development cluster at the IES. In his PhD project, he investigates the international and European environmental regulation of marine renewable energies in the EU. Carlos holds a degree in Law and a master in industrial security and occupational hazard prevention both from University of Sevilla (Spain) and a LLM in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School (United States). His research interests include public international law and EU law, with special focus on marine environmental law, law of the sea, marine renewable energies, biodiversity conservation and oceans governance.

Research Intrest

Environment studies.

List of Publications
SORIA RODRÍGUEZ, Carlos. 2014. Acidificación Oceánica y Derecho Internacional: Obstáculos y Alternativas Regulatorias [Ocean acidification and International Law: obstacles and regulatory alternatives], in Juste Ruiz, J. & Bou Franch, V. (eds.), Derecho del mar y sostenibilidad ambiental en el Mediterráneo [Law of the Sea and environmental sustainability in the Mediterranean], Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, p. 389-402.
SORIA RODRÍGUEZ, Carlos. 2015. The Maritime Spatial Planning Directive, its environmental dimension and its applicability to ocean renewables, in Fernández Sánchez, P.A. & Azeredo Lopes, J.A. (eds.), Seguridad Medioambiental y Orden Internacional [Environmental Security and International Order], Barcelona: Atelier, p. 127-147
SORIA RODRÍGUEZ, Carlos. 2015. La base competencial en la opción jurisdiccional del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar [The judicial competence in the jurisdictional option for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea], in Azeredo Lopes, J.A. & Fernández Sánchez, P.A. (Dirs.), Jurisdiçôes Internacionais e Evoluçâo da Ordem Internacional [International Jurisdictions and Evolution of the International Order], Porto (Portugal): Universidades Católica Editora, p. 271-282.