Carlos Gilberto Raetano

Associate Professor
Universidade Estadual Paulista


Carlos Gilberto Raetano Presently working as Associate Professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista in the Department of Agricultural Sciences.He completed his PhD and Masters in entomology and his research expertise in Agricultural Defensive Application Technology.

Research Intrest

Phytosanitary Defense Agricultural Defensive Application Technology

List of Publications
Araújo DD, Raetano CG, Ramos HH, Rocha DS, Prado EP, Aguiar VC. Interference of spray volume, fruit growth and rainfall on spray deposits in citrus black spot control periods. Ciência Rural. 2016 May;46(5):825-31.
do Espírito Santo TL, de Mendonça CG, Graichen FA, Raetano CG, Teodoro PE. Control of conyza bonariensis with glyphosate associated to adjuvants applied with different spray nozzles. Bioscience Journal. 2017 Mar 1;33(2).
Miorini TJ, Raetano CG, Everhart SE. Control of white mold of dry bean and residual activity of fungicides applied by chemigation. Crop Protection. 2017 Apr 30;94:192-202.
Cerqueira DT, Raetano CG, Pogetto MH, Carvalho MM, Prado EP, Costa SÍ, Moreira CA. Optimization of spray deposition and Tetranychus urticae control with air assisted and electrostatic sprayer. Scientia Agricola. 2017 Feb;74(1):32-40.

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