Bruce J. Diamond

Department of Psychology
William Paterson University
United States of America

Professor Clinical Sciences

Dr. Diamond’s research is in neuropsychology and cognitive/clinical neuroscience . Cognitive, psychiatric, brain imaging and autonomic techniques are used in order to examine memory, executive function, attention/concentration, information processing and mood/anxiety in clinical and healthy populations. He has published in numerous respected journals, has written a number of chapters and has presented at many national and international conferences.  Dr. Diamond is  a State of New Jersey Licensed Psychologist. His areas of specialization are in Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation.

Research Intrest

Neuropsychology and cognitive/clinical neuroscience.

List of Publications
Johnson, S., Diamond, BJ, S Rausch, S, Kaufman, M , Samuel C. Shiflett, SC., Graves, L. (2006). The effect of gingko biloba on functional measures in multiple sclerosis: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Explore:The Journal of Science and Healing, Vol 2,(1), pp.19-24
Diamond, Bruce J, Johnson, Susan K., Kaufman, Michael and Graves, Linda (2008). Relationships between Information Processing, Depression, Fatigue and Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis. Archives in Clinical Neuropsychology. 23(2), 189-199.
Zeidan, F., Johnson, S.K.., Diamond, B.J. David, Z., Goolkasian, P. (2010). Mindfulness meditation improves cognition: Evidence of brief mental training. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(2):597-605.
Diamond, Bruce J. , Mayes, Andrew R. and Meudell, Peter R.(2011). Priming, recognition and autonomic discrimination in amnesia.  Neurocase, 17:1,76-90.

Global Scientific Words in Clinical Sciences