Bruce Ackerman

Political Science
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
United States Virgin Islands


 ruce Ackerman, Law School, LL.B., Yale Law School, 1967, is Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Law Institute. He has been a Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Center, Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin, and the Guggenheim and Rockefeller Foundations. He has been awarded the Henderson Prize from Harvard and the Gavel Award of the American Bar Association. His research concerns electoral reform, comparative constitutionalism, political philosophy, constitutional history. He is currently teaching Constitutional Theory and Theories of Justice. Recent publications include We the People, Vol. 1, 1991, Vol. 2 1998; Transformations, Harvard University Press, 1998; The Stakeholder Society, (with Anne Alstott), Yale University Press, 1999.

Research Intrest

 American Constitutionalism Comparative Constitutionalism Theories of Justice