Brian Rothman

Department of Anesthesiology
Vanderbilt University
United States of America

Professor General Science

Brian Rothman, MD, is Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Medical Director of Perioperative Informatics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Dr. Rothman received his medical degree from the University of Cincinnati and completed his residency at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. He serves on the Committee for Electronic Media and Information Technology for the American Society of Anesthesiologists and on the Board of Directors for the American Association of Clinical Directors and the Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA).

Research Intrest

His research in mobile perioperative information management systems received the Innovation and Clinical Application of Technology awards at the 2010 STA Annual Meeting. Dr. Rothman’s current work focuses on further enhancing a robust electronic medical record with decision support, as well as automated process monitoring and controls. He also develops mobile device interfaces to extend the electronic medical records meaningful clinical use to improve patient safety, efficiency, and communication.

Global Scientific Words in General Science