Brian Martin

Mathematics & Physics
The King's University

Professor Mathematics

In 2005 the King’s Centre for Visualization in Science was established and soon became a focal point for my work. I work in collaboration with colleagues in such diverse areas as elementary science education, developing DLOs in traditional chemistry and physics curricula, modelling emerging diseases such as West Nile Virus and creating new DLOs to better visualize the complex science of global climate change. Science Education and Communication The following lists publications covers the period from 2006 to the present and development of my current emphasis on science education and digital communications.

Research Intrest

My research interests comprise two broad and overlapping areas. One is in science education with special emphasis on developing digital learning objects (DLOs). The second is in traditional astronomy, focused on the study of close binary systems and cataclysmic variables. My most recent work in scientific visualization (2005-present) is presented first in this curriculum vitae, followed by my research, education, and communication in astronomy.