
Mathematical Economics
Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management


Bram-De-Rock is Professor in Mathematical Economics at Ecares (SBS-EM)  and also he is Professor in Statistics at Kulak and (KULeuven) Honorary Senior Research Associate at University College London (UCL) and International research fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)

Research Intrest

Economics and Statistics

List of Publications
De Rock B, Cherchye L, Vermeulen F (2008) Analyzing cost efficient production behavior under economies of scope: a nonparametric methodology. Operations Research 56: 204-221.
Cherchye L, De Rock B, Vermeulen F (2009) Opening the black box of intrahousehold decision making: theory and nonparametric empirical tests of general collective consumption models. Journal of political economy 117: 1074-1104.
Cherchye L, De Rock B, Vermeulen F (2011) The revealed preference approach to collective consumption behavior: nonparametric testing and sharing rule recovery. Review of Economic Studies 78: 176-198.