Bin Ke

National University of Singapore


Ph.D, Michigan State University, 1999 M.S, Pennsylvania State University, 1994B.A, The Institute of International Relations, China, 1989

Research Intrest

I am interested in using both traditional approaches and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle today’s complex business problems. The primary geographic focus of my current research is 2 China, Hong Kong, and Singapore, but I am also interested in other Asian countries including India, Japan, Korea, ASEAN countries, especially within the context of China’s economy. Below is a more detailed description of my current research interests: ï‚· Financial reporting and disclosure ï‚· Corporate governance and investor protection ï‚· Entrepreneurship and family firms ï‚· R&D and Innovation ï‚· Venture capital ï‚· SOEs ï‚· Social media and big data ï‚· Taxes and business strategy

List of Publications
Are stock option grants to directors of state-controlled Chinese firms listed in Hong Kong genuine compensation?, coauthored with Zhihong Chen and Yuyan Guan. The Accounting Review, 2013, 88 (5), 1547-1574.
A Personal Perspective on Protecting Investors of Publicly Listed Chinese Firms. China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2014, 2 (4).
The effect of weak institutional environments on the quality of Big Four audits, coauthored with Clive Lennox and Qingquan Xin. The Accounting Review, 2015, 90(4), 1591– 1619.
The Substantial Convergence of Chinese Accounting Standards with IFRS and the Managerial Pay-for-Performance Sensitivity of publicly listed Chinese firms, coauthored with Yubo Li and Hongqi Yuan. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2016 (35), 567–591.
The consequences of shifting the IPO offer pricing power from securities regulators to market participants in weak institutional environments: Evidence from China, coauthored with Jun Chen, Donghui Wu, and Zhifeng Yang. Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.
Can Transient Institutions Correctly Interpret Small Negative Earnings Surprises in the Absence of Access to Management’s Private Information, with Gang Hu and Yong Yu. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, forthcoming.

Global Scientific Words in Business and Management