Billie Anderson

Associate Professor
Medical Informatics
Ferris State University
United States of America


Dr. Anderson has a strong background in analyzing data in a healthcare setting. She has performed statistical analysis for NIH-funded grants related to the effectiveness of smoking cessation and diabetes prevention community programs. In addition, Dr. Anderson has applied data mining techniques to biomarker data to predict colon cancer at the Institute of Cancer Research at the University of Alabama Birmingham. She spent three years working as a consultant to a subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama to develop predictive models to detect Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Currently, Dr. Anderson is an analytical consultant for SAS. She has consulted with healthcare organizations such as Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, CVS and the VA to help organizations leverage their data in order to produce optimal outcomes for their patients.

Research Intrest

Dr. Anderson's research focuses on informatics and the application of informatics across a wide range of disciplines, with a special interest in the medical field. She has authored many journal articles and book chapters in the field of big data analytics and healthcare informatics. She is currently working with a public health professor at Ferris State to understand the benefits, barriers and influencers of young-adult vaccination status.

List of Publications
Jadhav, E. WInkler, D., & Anderson, B. (2017) Second best shot: Perceptions of young adults toward vaccination. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Submitted for Review. Anderson, B., Davis, C, & Hardin, J.M. (2016). An Introduction to Data and Text Mining: A Focus on Building Alerting Systems for Decision Support. In S. Kudyba (Ed.), Healthcare Informatics: Improving Efficiency through Technology, Analytics, and Management (2nd ed., pp. 333-352). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group. Anderson, B., & Hardin, J.M. (2015). Data Analytics. In F. Cornelius & L. Harman (Eds.), Ethical Health Informatics, Challenges and Opportunities (3rd ed., 95-118). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Global Scientific Words in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology