Ayurved & Research
Parul University
Dr. B.G. Kulkarni is born in Belgaum district of Karnataka state on 21 st April 1970. He has completed B.A.M.S degree in 1993 from Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Hubli , Karnataka University Dharawar. He has worked as vice-principal for four years in Grameen Ayurvedic medical college, Terdal, Bagalkot district Karnataka state. After pursuing post graduation degree in 2006 he has worked as faculty in India’s renowned of Ayurveda Hassan Karnataka state for 10 years in the department of shaarir Rachana. He has enormously worked on body donation campaign and motivated many people for body donation. He has served as chief co-coordinator for conduction of around 25 to 30 NRHM training programmes and Ayurveda sensitization programme for allopathic doctors. He has organized four national workshops and two RoTP for Shareera Rachana teachers. He rendered the service as external examiner and paper setter for MUHS Nashika, Maharashtra,Mata Amrutanandamayi University Kollam, Kerala health University, KLE University Belgaum etc.
Dr. Kulkarni's Research Interests include: Rachana Sharir which means Ayurvedic Anatomy and deals with structural (anatomical) understanding of the body.