Beth A. Prieve

Communication Sciences and Disorders
Syracuse University
United States of America

Professor Clinical Sciences

Professor Prieve explores basic physiological and behavioral processes of the auditory system and applies them to in humans to improve diagnosis of hearing loss. Her specialties areas include otoacoustic emissions, middle ear measures, auditory brainstem responses and the application of these in infants and children as well as newborn hearing screening.

Research Intrest

Audiology, Auditory Anatomy and Physiology, Speech and Hearing Sciences.

List of Publications
Berg AL, Prieve BA, Serpanos YC, Wheaton MA (2011) Hearing screening in a well-infant nursery: profile of automated ABR-fail/OAE-pass. Pediatrics.
Prieve BA, Vander Werff KR, Preston JL, Georgantas L (2013) Identification of conductive hearing loss in young infants using tympanometry and wideband reflectance. Ear and hearing 34: 168-178.

Global Scientific Words in Clinical Sciences