Bernhard Leinauer

Plant and Environmental Sciences
New Mexico State University


Ph.D., 1997 Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany, Department of Crop Production and Grassland Science. Thesis: Irrigation Effects on Water Use, Drought Stress Tolerance, and Recuperative Ability of Several Turfgrasses M.S., 1990 Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany, Department of Crop Production and Grassland Science. Thesis: Drought Effects on Recuperative Ability of Turfgrasses Work Experience Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Extension Plant Sciences Department & Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico (March 2000 - present), 75% Extension, 25% Research Extension: Duties include information dissemination to citizens of New Mexico and elsewhere regarding general turfgrass management, turfgrass species selection, turfgrass irrigation, fertilization, interpretation of soil and water tests as they relate to turf and soil quality. Research: 1) Developing water management strategies for turf areas with the aim of reducing the amount of (potable) water used for irrigation: a. Irrigation with recycled and/or high saline water and subsequent effects on plant and soil quality b. Implementing sensor technologies for monitoring water and salinity in soils and associated stress in plants c. Screening for low water use, cold and salt tolerant grass species and cultivars d. Efficient use of irrigation water on turf (e.g. alternative irrigation systems, irrigation scheduling, and modification of turfgrass root zones) 2) Collaboration with researchers from Stanford University, University of California – Berkley, Colorado School of Mines, and New Mexico State University in ReNUWIt (Engineering Research Center for Re-inventing America’s urban water infrastructure), a project funded by the National Science Foundation 3) Collaboration with University of Padua, Italy which includes a student exchange program and research and extension projects in both turfgrass maintenance and forage production Research Associate, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing (May 1997 – February 2000)

Research Intrest

Irrigation with recycled and/or high saline water and subsequent effects on plant and soil quality Implementing technologies for monitoring water and salinity in soils and associated stress in plants Mitigation of water repellency in root zones Screening for low water use, cold and salt tolerant grass species and cultivars Efficient use of irrigation water on turf (e.g. alternative irrigation systems, irrigation scheduling, and modification of turfgrass root zones)

List of Publications
Rimi, F., S. Macolino, B. Leinauer, L. Lauriault, U. Ziliotto. 2014. Fall dormancy and harvest stage effects on alfalfa persistence and characteristic of taproot and crown. Agronomy Journal, 106, 1258- 1266.
Schiavon, M., S. Macolino, B. Leinauer, and U. Ziliotto. 2015. Seasonal changes in carbohydrate and protein content of seeded bermudagrasses and their effect on spring green-up. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. doi:10.1111/jac.12135
Pornaro, C., S. Macolino, and B. Leinauer. 2016. Seeding time affects establishment of warm-season turfgrasses. Acta Horticulturae. 1122(4), 27-34.
Pornaro, C., M. K. Schneider, B. Leinauer, and S. Macolino. 2016. Above and belowground patterns in a subalpine grassland-shrub mosaic. Plant Biosystem. http:/
Wang, J., H.C. Monger, X. Wang, M. Serena, B. Leinauer. 2016. Carbon Sequestration in Response to Grassland– Shrubland–Turfgrass Conversions and a Test for Carbonate Biomineralization in Desert Soils, New Mexico, USA. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 80, 1591-1603.