Beatriz Duguy Pedra

Plant Physiology
University of Barcelona

Professor Plant Sciences

Beatriz Duguy Pedra is Professor from Department of Plant Physiology at University of Barcelona. Her topic of interest is Forest fires, Post-fire regeneration, Forest restoration, Landscape ecology, Geoinformation technologies, Fire Modelling.

Research Intrest

Fire effects on vegetation and soils fertility. Study of the spatio-temporal interactions between landscape structure and fires. Integration of geoinformation technologies (remote sensing, geographical information systems) with fire modelling for supporting forest management and restoration planning in Mediterranean forests. Projects: DESARROLLO DE ESTRATEGIAS DE RESTAURACIÓN DE SAVANAS TROPICALES - EL CASO DEL CERRADO (PHBP14/00080), Ministerio de Educación. Coordinador: Dr. Ramón Vallejo, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; Dr. Welington Braz Carvalho Delitti, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil DESENVOLVIMENTO DE ESTRATÉGIAS DE RESTAURAÇÃO EM SAVANAS TROPICAIS – O CASO DO CERRADO (169/2012). COAP - Coordenaçâo de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) Coordinador: Dr. Welington Braz Carvalho Delitti, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil Quemas prescritas bajo arbolado: efectos a corto y medio plazo sobre los modelos de combustible y eficacia para la prevención de grandes incendios a escala del paisaje (ForBurnLand) (AGL2012-40098-C03-02). Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental No Orientada, Ministerio Español de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Investigador principal: Dra. Beatriz Duguy Pedra, Departament de Biologia Vegetal, Universitat de Barcelona RESTAURACIÓN ECOLÓGICA DE ECOSISTEMAS AFECTADOS POR LA SEQUÍA Y EL FUEGO. EL CASO DEL CERRADO (PHB2011-0153-TA). Programas Cooperación Interuniversitaria España-Brasil; Ministerio de Educación. Coordinador: Dr. Ramón Vallejo, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; Dr. Welington Braz Carvalho Delitti, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the world (FUME) (G. Agreement: 243888). Comissió Europea.  Investigador principal: Dr. José Manuel Moreno. Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

List of Publications
Duguy, B., Godoy, J., Fuentes, L. 2015. Developing allometric volume-biomass equations to support fuel charaterization in North-eastern Spain. Ecologia Mediterranea, 41(2): 15-24.
Salis M., Arca B., Alcasena F., Arianoutsou M., Bacciu V., Duce P., Duguy B., Koutsias N., Mallinis G., Mitsopoulos I., Moreno J.M., Pérez J.R., Urbieta I.R., Xystrakis F., Zavala G., Spano D. 2016. Predicting wildfire spread and behaviour in Mediterranean landscapes. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25: 1015-1032.
Ladislav Mucina L., Bustamante-Sánchez M.A., Duguy B., Holmes P., Keeler-Wolf T., Armesto J.J., Vilagrosa A. 2016. Ecological restoration in Mediterranean-type shrublands and woodlands. In: Handbook of Ecological and Environmental Restoration. Edited by Stuart Allison and Stephen Murphy, Routledge (in press)