Barbara Pichler

research assistant
Institute for Palliative Care and Organizational Ethics
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Professor Nursing

Barbara Pichler Born in 1973, 2 children Since 2015, research assistant at the IFF - Institute for Palliative Care and Organizational Ethics, Alps-Adriatic University of Klagenfurt Wien Graz Since 2012 lecturer at the Institute of Educational Science, Univ. Wien Since 2012 Lecturer for Gerontology at the Academy at the ABZ of the Vienna Red Cross GmbH Davor Univ.-Assistentin (prae doc) at the Institute for Educational Science of the Univ. Vienna, working on research projects, studies of educational sciences with subject composer. Sociology / nursing science, training as a graduate health and nurse and work in nursing.

Research Intrest

Sociology / nursing science, training as a graduate health and nurse and work in nursing