Balcells María Elvira

Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases of the Adult, Vitamin D and tuberculosis
National University of Colombia

Professor Nutrition

Balcells María Elvira working as an Associate Professor in Infectious Diseases of the Adult, Vitamin D and tuberculosis from National University of Colombia.

Research Intrest

Infectious Diseases of the Adult, Vitamin D and tuberculosis

List of Publications
2015 - 2016 Co-investigator. XI FONIS Grant. SA14ID0090 . " Micronutrients and other risk factors for latent infection in contact with tuberculosis - a cross-sectional study: moving towards a paradigm shift in tuberculosis prevention in Chile
2013 - 2016  Principal Investigator. Fondecyt Regular 2013 Grant, Project No. 1130600. " Association between Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain and specific Th1, Th2 and Th17 human immune response: a way to identify biomarkers that are better predictors of the risk of tuberculosis infection."