Athanasios Loukas

Department of Civil Engineering
University of Thessaly


Athanasios Loukas completed his Ph.D. in Hydrology and Water Resources Supervisor: Dr. Michael C. Quick, Professor Ph.D. Dissertation Title: Mountain Precipitation Analysis for the Estimation of Flood Runoff in Coastal British Columbia, M.A.Sc. in Hydrology and Water Resources Supervisor: Dr. Michael C. Quick, Professor M.A.Sc. Thesis Title: Analysis of the Response and the Rainfall Distribution in a Mountainous Watershed.

Research Intrest

Remote sensing,climatology,hyderogeology

List of Publications
Tzabiras J, Loukas A, Vasiliades L. A hybrid downscaling approach for the estimation of climate change effects on droughts using a geo-information tool. Case study: Thessaly, Central Greece. Open Geosciences. 2016 Jan 1;8(1):728-46.
Papaioannou G, Kohnová S, Bacigál T, Szolgay J, Hlavčová K, Loukas A. Joint modelling of flood peaks and volumes: A copula application for the Danube River. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics. 2016 Dec 1;64(4):382-92.
Papaioannou G, Vasiliades L, Loukas A, Aronica GT. Probabilistic flood inundation mapping at ungauged streams due to roughness coefficient uncertainty in hydraulic modelling. Advances in Geosciences. 2017;44:23.