Asa Abeliovich

Associate Professor
Department of Pathology & Cell Biology
Columbia University
United States of America

Professor Neurology

Asa Abeliovich working as Associate professor with reaserach interest in understanding the Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration and the life cycle of dopamine neurons

Research Intrest

Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration and the life cycle of dopamine neurons

List of Publications
Rhinn H, Abeliovich A(2017)Differential Aging Analysis in Human Cerebral Cortex Identifies Variants in TMEM106B and GRN that Regulate Aging Phenotypes.Cell Syst 4:404-415
Rhinn H, Abeliovich A(2017)Differential Aging Analysis in Human Cerebral Cortex Identifies Variants in TMEM106B and GRN that Regulate Aging Phenotypes.Cell Syst 4:404-415