Arnaldo Carrasquillo

University of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico

Professor Chemistry

Dr. Arnaldo Carrasquillo is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. His research interests includes the role played by electrode surface composition and structure in determining and controlling the electrochemical reactivity of species present at electrode-solution interfaces. Current research projects study fundamental aspects of electrocatalysis, molecular adsorption and biosensor technologies. He /she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Arnaldo Carrasquillo is the member of many international affiliations. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He /she has authored of many research articles/books related to the role played by electrode surface composition and structure in determining and controlling the electrochemical reactivity of species present at electrode-solution interfaces. Current research projects study fundamental aspects of electrocatalysis, molecular adsorption and biosensor technologies.

Research Intrest

the role played by electrode surface composition and structure in determining and controlling the electrochemical reactivity of species present at electrode-solution interfaces. Current research projects study fundamental aspects of electrocatalysis, molecular adsorption and biosensor technologies

List of Publications
Rodríguez-López M, Tuñón P, Feliu JM, Aldaz A, Carrasquillo Jr A. Use of Model Pt (111) Single Crystal Electrodes under HMRDE Configuration To Study the Redox Mechanism for Charge Injection at Aromatic/Metal Interfaces. Langmuir. 2009 Sep 22;26(3):2124-9.
Rodríguez-López M, Solla-Gullón J, Herrero E, Tuñón P, Feliu JM, Aldaz A, Carrasquillo Jr A. Electrochemical reactivity of aromatic molecules at nanometer-sized surface domains: from Pt (hkl) single crystal electrodes to preferentially oriented platinum nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2010 Feb 1;132(7):2233-42.

Global Scientific Words in Chemistry