Armando Alassandro

Department of Architecture and Design
Polytechnic University of Turin

Professor Engineering

Armando Alassandro is a Professor in the Department of Architecture and Design from Polytechnic University of Turin, Itality with research interest of Architectural and urban composition

Research Intrest

Architectural and urban composition

List of Publications
Alessandro A (2015) Drawing the city with the ears. Urban spaces comprehension and design through auditory perception. Energy Procedia 78: 19-24.
Alessandro A (2016) On the ability to correlate perceived sound to urban space geometries. Sustainable cities and society 27: 346-355.
Alessandro A (2016) A Hybrid Evaluation Approach for Designing Complex Urban Scenarios: Application for the T.I.T. Area (China). PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES 223: 929-935.

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