Aria Alasti

Applied Mechanics & Vibration
Sharif University of Technology

Professor Engineering

He worked as the followings: Professor of Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, (1996-...) Vice-Chair of Graduate Studies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, (2005-2006) Vice-Chair of Academic Affairs, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, (2002-2005) Member of Center of Excellence in Design, Robotics, and Automation (CEDRA), (2001-...) Director of Central Workshops, Sharif University of Technology, (2000-2002) Director of Training & Higher Education, Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC), (1997-2001) 

Research Intrest

bullet Nonlinear Systems and Control bullet Fuzzy Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems bullet Chaos Control, Analysis of Chaotic Systems bullet Special Purpose Robotics and Intelligent Machines bullet Parallel Mechanisms and Robots, Dynamics and Control bullet Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of MEMS/NEMS bullet Vibration Analysis and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems

List of Publications
1. M Kiani, H Salarieh, A Alasty, SM Darbandi, "Hybrid control of a three-pole active magnetic bearing", Mechatronics 39, 28-41, 2016. 2. H Moradi, H Setayesh, A Alasty, "PID-Fuzzy control of air handling units in the presence of uncertainty", International Journal of Thermal Sciences 109, 123-135, 2016. 3. A Atrsaei, H Salarieh, A Alasty, "Human Arm Motion Tracking by Orientation-Based Fusion of Inertial Sensors and Kinect Using Unscented Kalman Filter", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 138 (9), 091005, 2016. 4. A Shamloo, MZ Pedram, H Heidari, A Alasty, "Computing the blood brain barrier (BBB) diffusion coefficient: A molecular dynamics approach", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 410, 187-197, 2016. 5. AT Safa, S Mohammadi, SE Hajmiri, M Naraghi, A Alasty, "How local slopes stabilize passive bipedal locomotion?", Mechanism and Machine Theory 100, 63-82, 2016.

Global Scientific Words in Engineering