Antiño R. Allen

Assistant Professor
Pharmaceutical Sciences Member, Division of Radiation Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
United States of America


Antiño R. Allen,Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Member, Division of Radiation Health,Email: [email protected] He received his Ph.D. degree in Evolution, Ecology & Behavior from Indiana University Bloomington in 2010. He received postdoctoral training at the Brain and Spinal Injury Center, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California San Francisco. Dr. Allen is Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), member of the College of Pharmacy Division of Radiation Health. He is interested in how inflammation and oxidative stress affect neuronal anatomy and cognitive function after exposure to x-rays.

Research Intrest

Dr. Allen received his Ph.D. degree in Evolution, Ecology & Behavior from Indiana University Bloomington in 2010. He received postdoctoral training at the Brain and Spinal Injury Center, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of California San Francisco. He is Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), member of the College of Pharmacy Division of Radiation Health.His research examines how inflammation and oxidative stress affect neuronal anatomy and cognitive function after exposure to x-rays, heavy ion irradiation or traumatic brain injury.

List of Publications
Rosi S., Ferguson R., Fishman K., Allen A.R, Raber J., Fike J.R. (2012) The polyamine inhibitor alpha-difluoromethylornithine modulates hippocampus-dependent function after single and combined injuries. PLoS One 7(1) PMID:22299052
Allen A.R., Smith G.T. Spinal Transection Induces Widespread Proliferation of Cells along the Length of the Spinal Cord in a Weakly Electric Fish. Brain Behav Evol 80, 269–280 PMID:23147638
Raber J.*, Allen A.R.*, Rosi S., Sharma S., Dayger C., Davis MJ., Fike J.R. (2013) Effects of whole body 56Fe radiation on contextual freezing and Arc-positive cells in the dentate gyrus. Behav Brain Res 246, 162-7 (* Co-first authors) PMID:23454674
Raber J.*, Allen A.R.*, Rosi S., Sharma S., Dayger C., Davis MJ., Fike J.R. (2013) Effects of 56Fe radiation on hippocampal function in mice deficient in chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2). Behav Brain Res 246, 69-75 (* Co-first authors) PMID:23500678
Allen A.R., Eilertson K., Sharma S., Schneider D., Baure .J, Allen .B, Rosi .S, Raber .J, Fike J.R. (2013) Effects of Radiation Combined Injury on Hippocampal Function are Modulated in Mice Deficient in Chemokine Receptor 2 (CCR2). Radiat Res 180 (1), 78-88. PMID:23772926

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