Anthony Ricciardi

McGill School of Environment
McGill University


MSE Appointed Faculty Unit: McGill School of Environment & Redpath Museum

Research Intrest

My research seeks to develop a predictive understanding of species invasions, using a combination of field experiments, empirical modelling and meta-analysis. My students and I examine why some species are better invaders than others, why some cause greater impacts, and why some ecosystems are more vulnerable to invasion. Most of our work is focused on the ecological impacts of invasive species in lakes and rivers.

List of Publications
Ricciardi, A., T.M. Blackburn, J.T. Carlton, J.T.A. Dick, P.E. Hulme, J.C. Iacarella, J.M. Jeschke, A.M. Liebhold, J.L. Lockwood, H.J. MacIsaac, P. Pyšek, D.M. Richardson, G.M. Ruiz, D. Simberloff, W.J. Sutherland, D.A. Wardle, and D.C. Aldridge. 2017. Invasion science: A horizon scan of emerging challenges and opportunities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 6: 464-474.
Iacarella, J.C., E.J. Hudgins, J.T.A. Dick, and A. Ricciardi. 2017. Predatory behaviour of an invasive amphipod in response to varying conspecific densities under higher-order predation risk. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. In press.
Ouellette-Plante, J., L.E. Johnson, A.L. Martel, and A. Ricciardi. 2017. Acclimation by invasive mussels: spatio-temporal variation in phenotypic response to turbidity. Freshwater Science 36(2): 325–337.