Ann-Sofie Sandberg

Head of Division of Food and Nutrition Science
Division of Food and Nutrition Science
Chalmers University of Technology

Professor Food and Nutrition

The major theme in Professor Sandberg’s research is the utilization of biological techniques to improve nutrient properties or physiological function of foods or food components. This includes development of analytical methods, in vitro and in vivo models for the estimation of bioavailability of nutrients (mostly minerals) and bioactivity of compounds in foods. She is investigating effects of bioactive compounds, mainly from marine foods, on risk factors for cardiovascular disease, the process of aging and allergy development, through well-designed diet intervention studies in humans or animal models. The molecular mechanisms behind are also of major concern. Ann-Sofie Sandberg’s research bridges food science with medicine.

Research Intrest

nutrient properties or physiological function of foods or food components

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition