Anne Drumaux

Public Management
Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management


Anne Drumaux is Full Professor, SBSem-ULB Co-Director Research Public Management/ Centre Emile Bernheim Academic Director, SBSem Public Management Programs for Executive Teaching Co-Chairman, SBSem Executive Masters in Vietnam Past Administrator, member of the Board La Poste (Belgian Postal Public Operator) February 2000- January 2006 Past Vice-Rector, Université Libre de Bruxelles, from 2000 to 2002

Research Intrest

Public Management Programs for Executive Teaching

List of Publications
Bernard B, Drumaux A, Mattijs J (2011) La Justice pénale en prospective : six scénarios à l’horizon 2020. Bruxelles: Bruylant
Bernard B, Drumaux A, & Mattijs J (2013) La prospective, démarche stratégique au service du développement durable. In CC Du Bois, R. Fouchet, & B. B. Tiberghien (Eds), Management Public Durable: dialogue autour de la Méditerranée pp: 159-182