Senior Lecturer
Chalmers University of Technology
Anna is an architect, educated at Chalmers 1990-96. 1997-2012 Anna has worked as a practicing architect. She has worked with housing, libraries, offices and workspaces. Anna has also been engaged as a tutor at various degrees at Chalmers architecture since 1997. Anna is now an artistic lecturer and a PhD-student. She lectures in candidate and masters courses with a focus on housing and also guides students with thesis papers. Her PhD work is part of her research project Positive Footprint Housing, a co-operation between Riksbyggen, Chalmers, Gothenburg University and Johanneberg Science Park. The project focuses on sustainable building for an urban, future living. The PhD work focuses on flexible building and social sustainability, and is conducted through research on design and investigative sketching by students at architecture.
design and investigative sketching