Science & Engineering
Plymouth University
United Kingdom
Director, "CRNS: Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems" (CRNS website) Leader of Research Group "Adaptive Behaviour and Cognition" School Coordinator for RAE2008 and REF2014 submissions. Module leader for teaching of "Computation Theory and Artificial Intelligence", "Applied Artificial Intelligence","Computational Intelligence" Coordinator/PI of H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie EID European Industrial Doctorate "APRIL: Applications of Personal Robotics for Interaction and Learning" (2016-2019) Coordinator/PI of UK EPSRC-BBSRC Project "BABEL: Bio-inspired Architecture for Brain Embodied Language" (BABEL project 2012-2016) PI of US AFSOR-EOARD Project "THRIVE: Trust in Human-Robot Interaction via Embodiment" (2014-2018) PI for EU H2020 ETN projects DCOMM, SECURE PI for EU FP7 projects POETICON++, ROBOT-ERA, ORATOR, DeCoRo. PI/Coordinator for past project: EPSRC VALUE, EOARD Distributed Control Visiting Professor, Messina University (October-November 2015)
Cognitive robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive science,Artificial Life, Adaptive Behaviour, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computation, Language Evolution, Symbol Grounding, Psycholinguistics, Categorization, Computational Neuroscience, Model of neural development