Andrés Combalia Aleu

Associate Professor
Faculty of Medicine
Kaplan Medical Center

Professor Orthopaedics

Senior orthopedic and trauma surg. Consultant Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona. Doctor of Medicine from the University of Barcelona. Master of Hospital Administration from the University of Barcelona. Master of Body Damage Assessment from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Master of Sports Trauma from UAB-UB. Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery specialist. Associate Professor at University of Barcelona

Research Intrest

Orthopedic and trauma surgery. Prosthetic joint reconstruction surgery. Cervical spine. Musculoskeletal tumors: Soft tissue sarcomas, bone tumors

List of Publications
Five cases of acrometastasis to the hand from a carcinoma and review of the literature.
Five cases of acrometastasis to the hand from a carcinoma and review of the literature.