Andritsos Nikolaos

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Univerisy of Thessaly


Andritsos Nikolaos studied Chemical Engineering at the Polytechnic School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he graduated in 1979. He studied postgraduate studies at the University of Manchester - Institute of Science & Technology , M. Sk . In 1981 and then at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, Where he received his Ph.D. in 1986. The academic year 1982-83 was awarded the Excellent Teaching Award by the Department of Chemical Engineering . At the same university he worked as a post-doctoral associate in the summer of 1987.

Research Intrest

His research interests focus on studying and designing or modifying physicochemical processes to save energy and water in industry, exploit alternative forms of energy and Industrial by-products and the protection of the environment. It is also interesting in the study of the deterioration and maintenance of stone monuments. He has published numerous papers in valid international scientific journals and international conference proceedings, is a reviewer in many international scientific journals and is co-author of a book on Geothermal Energy in Greek and one in English.

List of Publications
Tzotzi, C. and Andritsos, N. Interfacial Shear Stress in Wavy Stratified Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipes. Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 54, 43-54, 2013.
Kostoglou, M., Chrysafis, N. and Andritsos, N . Modeling Tomato Dehydration in a Tunnel Dryer using Geothermal Energy. Drying Technology: An International Journal , 31: 1, 5-16, 2013.