Andrew Lemmey

School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences
Bangor University
United Kingdom

Professor Orthopaedics

Dr. Andrew Lemmey Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) (University of South Australia, 1980); Dr. Andrew Lemmey Honours (Exercise Physiology) - First Class (Flinders University of South Australia, 1986); Dr. Andrew Lemmey Master of Arts (Exercise Physiology) (Flinders University of South Australia, 1987); Dr. Andrew Lemmey PhD (University of Adelaide, 1993)

Research Intrest

To determine the mechanisms of muscle and bone loss, impaired functional status, and disability in diseases characterised by muscle wasting (principally rheumatoid arthritis and chronic renal failure (CRF); also ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, myositis, fibromyalgia, renal insufficiency, and prostate cancer), and to evaluate the efficacy of interventions (e.g. exercise, anabolic agents, anti-cytokine therapy, nutritional supplements) aimed at restoring muscle mass and functional capacity, and attenuating disability.

List of Publications
Lemmey A.B. Chapter 22. Arthritis. In: Clinical Exercise Physiology (4th Edition), edited by Ehrman J.K., Gordon P.M., Visich P.S. & Keteyian S.J. Human Kinetics. Due to be published in 2017.
Lemmey A.B., Wilkinson T. J., O’Brien T.D. Creatine supplementation; a potential adjunct therapy for rheumatoid arthritis patients. In: Creatine: Biosynthesis, health effects and clinical perspectives. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY USA. May 2017
Williams N.H., Roberts J.L., Nafees U.D., Charles J.M., Totton N., Williams M., Mawdesley K., Hawkes C.A., Morrison V., Lemmey A.B., Edwards R.T., Hoare Z., Pritchard A.W., Woods B., Alexander S., Sackley C., Logan P., Wilkinson C. and Rycroft-Malone J. A realist approach to complex intervention development: development of an evidence-based community rehabilitation intervention for hip fracture patients. Accepted by BMJ Open.