Andrea D Branch

Associate professor
Medicine, Liver disease and Surgery
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
United States of America

Professor Surgery

Andrea Branch, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Liver Diseases. The Branch Lab is interested in studying viral hepatitis using both basic and translation research approaches

Research Intrest

Antivirals, Bioinformatics, Cancer, Gene Regulation, Hepatitis C Virus, Interferon Resistance, Liver, RNA, Viruses and Virology

List of Publications
Branch AD (2011) ebb tide, or the gathering storm?. Seminars in liver disease.
Martel-Laferrière V, Brinkley S, Bichoupan K, Posner S, Stivala A, etal (2014) Virological response rates for telaprevir-based hepatitis C triple therapy in patients with and without HIV coinfection. HIV medicine..
Bichoupan K, Martel-Laferriere V, Sachs D, Ng M, Schonfeld EA, etal (2014) Costs of telaprevir-based triple therapy for hepatitis C: $189,000 per sustained virological response. Hepatology.
Crismale JF, Martel-Laferrière V, Bichoupan K, Schonfeld E, Pappas A, etak (2014) Diabetes mellitus and advanced liver fibrosis are risk factors for severe anaemia during telaprevir-based triple therapy. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver 34.
Ge X, Antoine DJ, Lu Y, Arriazu E, Leung TM, etal (2014) High Mobility Group Box-1 (HMGB1) Participates in the Pathogenesis of Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD). The Journal of biological chemistry 289.