Science and Technology
Universidade Aberta

Professor Nutrition

 Ana Pinto de Moura é Professora Auxiliar na Universidade Aberta (UAb) e coordenadora do curso de Mestrado (2º ciclo) em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar, DCeT, UAb. A sua atividade de investigação centra-se ao nível das atitudes e do comportamento do consumidor face aos bens alimentares.Ana Pinto de Moura is an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Aberta (Open University of  Portugal), where she coordinates the online MSc course degree in Food Consumption Sciences. Her main research topics relate to consumer attitudes and behaviour towards food.

Research Intrest

 Nutrition,E-Learning,Health Education

List of Publications
Melo, H, Moura, AP, Aires, LL, Cunha, LM (2013), Barriers and facilitators to the promotion of healthy eating lifestyles among adolescents at school: the views of school health coordinators, Health Education Research, 28, 6, 979-992. (DOI: 10.1093/her/cyt077). IF: 1.61
Ramalho, V, Moura, AP, Cunha, LM, Why do small business butcher shops fail to fully implement HACCP?, Food Control, Available online 11 December 2013. (DOI: IF: 2.74
Ares, G, de Saldamando, L, Giménez, A, Claret, A, Cunha, LM, Guerrero, L, de Moura, AP, Oliveira, DCR, Symoneauz, R, Deliza, R. Consumers’ associations with wellbeing in a food-related context: A cross-cultural study. Food Quality and Preference. Available online 9 June 2014. (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.06.001). IF: 2.43