Ana Paula Salles Moura Fernandes

Faculty of Pharmacy of UFMG
Department of Clinical and Toxicological Analysis
Federal University of Minas Gerais


She holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences (1986), a master's degree in Microbiology (1990) and a PhD in Parasitology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1997). During his master's and doctorate he completed a traineeship at Harvard Medical School (USA). She is currently an IB level researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development and a Full Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Advisor of the postgraduate programs in Genetics and Pharmaceutical Sciences of UFMG. He works in the areas of molecular biology, clinical analysis and parasitology. Develops projects in the lines of diagnostic research, vaccines and treatment against leishmaniasis, risk factors associated with hypercoagulability, as in thromboses and diabetes, and in the molecular diagnosis and epidemiology of infectious diseases. It coordinates projects of technological.

Research Intrest

Pharmacy, Microbiology,Parasitology, Genetics

List of Publications
ALVES, MT; ORTIZ, MMO; REIS, GVOP; RODRIGUES, KF; DOMINGUETI, CP; CARMO, PAS; SILVA, ACS; DUSSE, LMS; ARAÚJO, SA; FERNANDES, AP ; GOMES, KB. Liver up-regulation of ADAMTS13 gene expression and its correlation with renal markers in mice with type 1 diabetes mellitus and nephropathy. THROMBOSIS RESEARCH , v. 157, p. 167-169, 2017.
COELHO, CAMILA HENRIQUES; SILVA, ANA CAROLINA CARVALHO; COSTA, ADRIANA OLIVEIRA; Fernandes, Ana Paula . Morphological and physiological characteristics of a virulent and zoonotic assemblage Giardia duodenalis canine strain. ACTA TROPICA , v. 1, p. 1-4, 2017.
CARDOSO, JÉSSICA F.; GOMES, Karina Braga ; Fernandes, AP ; DOMINGUETI, CAROLINE P.. Evaluation of cytokines in type 1 diabetes patients with and without retinopathy. Brazilian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (Printed), V. 53, p. 31-37, 2017.
OLIVEIRA, L.; SOUZA, MC; FERREIRA, C .; COELHO, EAF ; VAGO, JP; Ustch, D.; Queiroz, C.; ROCHA, MOC; SOUSA, LP; FERNANDES, AP. Annexin A1 is involved in the resolution of inflammatory responses during Leishmania braziliensis infection. The Journal of Immunology (1950) , v. 198, p. 1, 2017.

Global Scientific Words in Pharmaceutical Sciences