Amanda Newell

Assistant Professor & Dietetic Internship Director
Bradley University
United States of America

Professor Nutrition

Amanda is a registered dietitian and licensed dietitian/nutritionist (RD, LDN). Prior to coming to Bradley, Amanda worked as a clinical dietitian at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, IL. During graduate school she was a research assistant at the University of Illinois where her thesis focused on the chemopreventitive potential of various herbal teas.

Research Intrest


List of Publications
Newell AM, Watson J. A video mobile phone and herpes simplex. Sexually transmitted infections. 2005 Apr 1;81(2):181-2.
Newell AM, VanSwearingen JM, Hile E, Brach JS. The modified gait efficacy scale: establishing the psychometric properties in older adults. Physical therapy. 2012 Feb 1;92(2):318-28.
Newell AM, Yousef GG, Lila MA, Ramírez-Mares MV, de Mejia EG. Comparative in vitro bioactivities of tea extracts from six species of Ardisia and their effect on growth inhibition of HepG2 cells. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2010 Aug 9;130(3):536-44.