Alif Carr bin Abdul Karim

Associate Professor
Penang Medical College

Professor Surgery

"Having graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from the Medical Faculty of University Malaya in 1984, Dr Alif Carr Bin Abdul Karim completed serving his housemanship in 1985. He first gained experience in, amongst others, assessing and treating patients with spinal injury, treating basic and complex hip fractures, sports related injuries and also in joint preservation surgery of the knee in the Surgical and Orthopaedic Department as well as in the ER as a Medical Officer from 1985 to 1996. Because of his special interest in osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, Dr Alif Carr pursued his postgraduate training in orthopaedics in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2001. In 1999, he was appointed to Specialist Registrar (SpR) and obtained his Diploma of Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (FRCS) of Glasgow. Dr Alif Carr was working as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in the United Kingdom before he decided to return to his homeland Malaysia in 2002. Because of his true passion for interacting with, educating and imparting his experience he has been teaching undergraduate courses in orthopaedic and sports related injuries at the Penang Medical College (owned and managed by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and University College Dublin) since September 2004. He was conferred Associate Professor of Penang Medical College in 2013. With his 13 years of operative experience, Dr Alif Carr is competent in orthopaedics and sports related injury surgeries. Besides general orthopaedics, Dr Alif Carr specialises in trauma and total joint arthroplasty. He has been performing total joint arthroplasty using Navigation (Computer Assisted Surgery) in hips and knees replacement since 2006. The Credentialing and Privileging Committee of the Penang General Hospital also granted him privileges to perform core procedures in orthopaedic surgery and special surgical privileges for arthroplasty surgery. Dr Alif Carr has also written abstracts and presented papers locally and internationally - the Malaysian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meetings, 37th Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine, Penang State Health Department Scientific Meeting, 14th Biennial Congress of Asian Special Association, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland in Bahrain and Malaysian Surgical Meetings."

Research Intrest

"Arthroplasty Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Computer navigated arthroplasty"

List of Publications
Guidelines for the management of Diabetic ulcers for the Ministry of Health
The rate of motorcycle accidents in Penang Poster presentation 2009
The incidence of glove perforations in orthopaedic surgery 2006