Senior Faculty Lecturer
Bioresource Engineering
McGill University
Dr Cherestes' doctoral and post-doctoral research was focused on Taxol chemistry and on ionic dendrimers. The chemical reactivity of several positions on taxane skeletons was studied in order to provide more desirable derivatives that could possibly be used for the development of new breast cancer drugs and for increasing the efficacy of existing drugs such as selective estrogen receptor modulators. Also, the conformational and structural activity relationship of taxol and other related taxanes was analyzed, in order to better understand their microtubule binding ability and their solubility. Her work with ionic dendrimers consisted of dendrimer synthesis and analysis. Ultimately, several marketable uses were found for the various dendrimers produced: the ionic, neutral, soluble, insoluble and chiral molecules obtained were promising ion exchange materials and antibacterial agents.
In her teaching and advising, Dr. Cherestes uses a fully student centered approach in which the interaction of the individual student and their learning environment is critical to the success of the student growing and progressing through their development. In her holistic approach to her students’ overall wellbeing, Dr. Cherestes recognizes that teaching and learning does not stop the instant the professor leaves the classroom.