Ali Basar

Assistant professor
Genetics and Genomic
Icahn School of Medicine
United States of America

Professor Genetics

Ali Bashir is eminenet researcher in biophysics and Systems Pharmacology [BSP], Genetics and Genomic Sciences [GGS] and done hi9s graduation form University of California, Berkeley and PhD from University of California, San Diego. He had several publication related to the genetics and genomic science.  

Research Intrest

Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics

List of Publications
Bashir A, Bansal V, Bafna V (2010) Designing deep sequencing experiments: detecting structural variation and estimating transcript abundance. BMC genomics.
Ritz A, Bashir A, Raphael BJ (2010) Structural variation analysis with strobe reads. Bioinformatics PP: 26.
Lo C, Bashir A, Bansal V, Bafna V (2011) Strobe sequence design for haplotype assembly. BMC bioinformatics.
Lo C, Bashir A, Bansal V, Bafna V (2011) Strobe sequence design for haplotype assembly. BMC bioinformatics.
Zhou D, Udpa N, Gersten M, Visk DW, Bashir A, etal (2011) Experimental selection of hypoxia-tolerant Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PP: 108.