Department of Material Science
University of Milano-Bicocca
Alessandro Abbotto joined the Materials Science Faculty of the University of Milan in December 1995 as Assistant Professor in Organic Chemistry. He is currently involved in the following courses and teaching duties. For the Degree Course in Chemistry (first cycle 3-year degree course): Organic Chemistry II. For the Degree Course in Materials Science (first cycle 3-year degree course): Introduction to Organic Materials. For the Degree Course in Materials Science (second cycle 2-year degree course): Chemical characterization of molecules and macromolecules; Supramolecular Chemistry II. He is also involved in a series of seminars on characterization of organic compounds for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory courses.
Design, synthesis and characterization of organic and organometallic materials and devices for solar energy, artificila photosynthesis, photonics, and optoelectronics