Albert Roger

Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Manageme
Zentralinstitut fur Kunstgeschichte
Dominican Republic


Albert Roger studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich with a focus on sustainable energy systems and biotechnology, as well as chemical engineering at the Politechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona. He joined ZEW's Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management" in May 2015. Before joining ZEW, he worked as a freelance consultant in the fields of climate policy and Montreal Protocol, among others for the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ GmbH). 

Research Intrest

His research interests include the study of climate and energy policies from a quantitative economic modeling perspective. He works in the research area "Macroeconomic Analysis of Environmental Relevant Policies".

List of Publications
Matthias H, Roger A, Hamacher T (2015) Optimizing long-term investments for a sustainable development of the ASEAN power system0. Energy 88: 180-193.