AIHARA Hiroaki

Tokyo University

Professor Physics

AIHARA Hiroaki is currently working as a professor under  Department of Physics (UG), Department of Physics (GR), Graduate School of Science

Research Intrest

Experimental Research on Particle Physics using High-Energy Accelerators High-energy Physics, Particle Physics Experiment Current Research Particle experimentalist. Past research activities include experiments at PEP electron-positron collider at SLAC, Tevatron proton-antiproton collide at Fermilab and B factory at KEK. Major research achievements are significant contributions to 1995 discovery of the top quark and 2001 discovery of particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the B meson system. I am currently involved in a neutrino oscillation experiment at J-PARC accelerator and a dark energy survey with a new wide-field CCD camera mounted on Subaru telescope.

List of Publications
Yu Nakahama, “Measurement of CP -Violating Asymmetries in the Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decays of the B Meson,” Feb. 2009
Hiroyuki Nakayama, “Precision Measurement of the Electroweak Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decays of B Mesons,” Feb. 2010
Hironao Miyatake, “Subaru weak-lensing mass measurement of a high-redshift SZ cluster ACT-CL J0022-0036 discovered by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Survey,” Feb. 2012