Ahmed Tahmeed

Senior Director
Nutrition and Clinical Services Division
International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research

Professor Food and Nutrition

2015: Senior Director, Nutrition and Clinical Services Division, icddr,b 2011 - 2015: Director & Senior Scientist, Centre for Nutrition and Food Security, icddr,b 2011 - till date Professor, Public Health Nutrition, James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University 2005 - 2011 Head, Nutrition Programme, icddr,b 2008 - 2011 Adjunct Professor of Public Health Nutrition, James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University 2006 - 2008 Adjunct Associate Professor James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University 2003 Scientist, Clinical Sciences Division (CSD), icddr,b 1999 - 2002 Associate Scientist, CSD, icddr,b 1993 - 1999 Senior Medical Officer, CSD, icddr,b 1996 Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Japan 1990 - 1992 Clinical Trainee in Pediatrics, Dept of Pediatrics, University of Tsukuba Hospital, Japan 1989 - 1990 Resident in Pediatrics, Dhaka Shishu (Children’s) Hospital, Dhaka 1985 - 1992 Medical Officer, CSD, icddr,b 1984 - 1985 Medical Officer (Maternal & Child Health and Family Planning), Rural Health Complex, Ministry of Health, GoB 1983 - 1984 In-service trainee (majoring in internal medicine), Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh 1983 MBBS, Mymensingh Medical College, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Research Intrest

My research focuses on community-based and clinical research to improve nutritional status of populations particularly children and women and to further optimize management of diarrheal diseases and associated conditions. I try to achieve this through: Clinical and community-based research on nutrition and diarrhea Upstream research using tools to study microbiota, microbiome and metabolome in improving the treatment of nutritional disorders Field-based studies on food security Social determinants of nutritional and enteric diseases as well as of uptake of interventions including behavior change Surveys and surveillance on nutrition and diarrheal disease

Global Scientific Words in Food and Nutrition