University of Hassan II Casablanca
I started my education at the primary school Sebt-Gzoula (Safi) whose director was Mr. CASTELI. Then I did my studies at the college Ibn Khaldoun where I got aprizein Mathematics. Afterwards, I continued my education at the high school Ibn Abbad (Marrakech) where I got my bac degree in mathematical sciences. In 1975, I got my bachelor’s degree in fundamental Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences in Rabat. I want to note here that my professor DRISS KHALIL taught me the Fourier analysis in the academic levels called M3 and M4, and it was thanks to him that I liked this important topic of mathematical analysis. During the academic year 1975-1976, I continued my graduate DEA studies at the Faculty of Sciences in Bordeaux. The topic of my DEA memory was: "Sur le théorème d’Hörmander " (Complex analysis).