Institute Pre-primary and primary level Fabrikstrasse 8
Padagogische Hochschule Bern

Professor General Science

Professional background Since 2012 Coordinator of Design, PHBern Since 2009 Lecturer in Educational Design, PHBern, Institut Preschool and Primary School 2007-2011 Speaker in the CAS "ICT-Culture in the School" Institute for Continuing Education and Media Education, PHBern 2004-2009 Fachdidaktikerin for visual design and art history at the University of Freiburg, department of education, teacher training, teaching diploma for secondary level 1 and 2 2002-2010 Educational consultant and educator for media education and information and communication technologies (ICT), Freiburg University of Applied Sciences, fri-tic 1987-2004 Class teacher and professor at the German language school Freiburg and at the Freie Publicschule Freiburg education Master of Advanced Studies in Art and Design, University of Berne Certificate of adult education SVEB 1, "Courses run with media and ICT", center for teacher training for the canton of Berne Fachpatent Bildnerisches Gestalten, Kunstbetrachtung und Technischeisches Gestalten, University of Berne State secondary school diploma (Dipl. Phil. I), University of Freiburg Matura, High School Gambach Freiburg

Research Intrest

Further functions at PHBern Department Coordinator Vocational training Work areas at PHBern Educational-aesthetic lessons Methods of recording learning processes Design with digital media Funding and competence-oriented judgment

List of Publications
Aebersold, Ursula (2014). A plea for more education. Fostering imagination. 4 to 8. Fachzeitschrift for kindergarten and lower level. 7-9.
Aebersold, Ursula ; Kunz, Alexandra ; Young, Susan (2015). SEH AIDS. Support on the way from perception to space presentation. HEFT 08 - Exactly! Publication of the Association of Teachers for Artistic Design Switzerland. 267-274.
Aebersold, Ursula ; Glaser, Edith; Young, Susanne ; Widmaier, Verena (2015). Space? Conference of artistic design (BG) at the PHBern. HEFT 08 - Exactly! Publication of the Association of Teachers for Artistic Design Switzerland. (8), 253-265.

Global Scientific Words in General Science