Adam Holesch

Postdoctoral Fellow
Political Economy and Governance
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)


Adam Holesch is a post-doctoral fellow at IBEI, working on the project: "Borders, sovereignity and self-determination in contemporary Europe". Adam did his Master of Arts at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn in 2005. He has just finished his PhD at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. His research follows an interdisciplinary approach mixing insights from Political Theory, Comparative Politics and Political Economy, studying about all questions of nationalism, federalism, citizenship and trust. Adam has also published two books on German-Polish relations.

Research Intrest

Federalism, Nationalism, European integration, Trust and Citizenship

List of Publications
Holesch, Adam.2013Collective identity in the European UnionWorld Tensions,9/19:65-83
Holesch, Adam; Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen2014.Die spanische Gemeindeverfassung zwischen zentralstaatlicher Lenkung und regionaler SchwächeIn: Alber, Elisabeth/Zwilling, Carolin (Hrsg.)Gemeinden im Europäischen Mehrebenensystem: Herausforderungen im 21(pp. 77-104).Jahrhundert, Baden-Baden:Nomos 2014 (The Spanish municipalities between the central state strength and regional weakness)
Holesch, Adam2016What holds a multinational state together? The political stability of the Spanish "State of Autonomies".PhD Thesis Universitat Pompeu Fabra